Review: Tainted by Morgan Busse
Tainted by Morgan Busse Genre: Steampunk Publisher: Enclave Date: April 15, 2016 Kat Bloodmayne is an unusual young woman. With intelligence far above the average person, let alone female, she is one of the first women to be accepted into the study program at the Tower. Many speculate that this may be because her father is the famous Dr. Bloodmayne, who is one of the men in charge of the Tower’s science program. His name is well known throughout the region. However, Kat feels differently. She barely knows her father. Her acceptance may well have been only because of her name, she remains determined to prove herself more than just…
Review: Finding Fraser by K.C. Dyer
Title: Finding Fraser Author: K. C. Dyer Genre: Romance, Humor, Chick Lit Publisher: Berkley Date: May 3, 2016 So what happens when someone develops such an interest in a fictional character that they decide to sell everything they own and go LOOK for that fictional character? That’s the premise of K.C. Dyer’s new release, Finding Fraser. Now before I go any further on this review, let me drop a confession right here. I’ve been known to nurture some personal relationships with fictional characters. Doctor Who and I? We’re friends. Of course my mind has to be wiped every time we hang out just for security of the entire universe and…
Review: I Let You Go by Clare Mackintosh
Title: I Let You Go Author: Clare Mackintosh Genre: Contemporary, Suspense, Publisher: Berkley Date: May 3, 2016 It’s every mother’s nightmare. A simple split second decision on an ordinary day that shatters her world. A mother lets go of her son’s hand because they’re in sight of their home and moments later, he’s dead in a hit and run. How does one recover from that? We get to experience this story from two different points of view. First, the Bristol police department. There’s a fierce determination to solve this case and bring justice to the family who lost their beautiful child. His death and the fact that someone would just…
Review: Three Wishes by Lisa T. Bergren
Three Wishes by Lisa T. Bergren Genre: Historical/Romance Publisher: Bergren Creative Group Date: April 8, 2016 Zara Ruiz has no idea what’s going to happen in her life. Admittedly, most teenagers aren’t sure, but Zara’s situation is a little different. She’s still in high school and her only guardian, her grandmother, has just passed away. Zara now has a restaurant in her name that she can keep or sell and a whole litany of other things to think about. When she goes to the beach one afternoon and sees an unusual gathering of starfish in a tide pool, she is intrigued, but there isn’t a lot more than that.…
Review: When Falcons Fall: A Sebastian St. Cyr Mystery
Title: When Falcons Fall: A Sebastian St. Cyr Mystery Author: C.S. Harris Genre: historical, mystery, suspense Publisher: NAL Date: March 1, 2016 When we last left Sebastian St. Cyr, he had just solved a murder. That’s not surprising since they seem to follow him around, but he had also just discovered that he isn’t quite as alone in the world as he thought he was. Unfortunately, shortly after learning about this new relative (someone who looks eerily like he does) that same relative became a victim of murder. Pretty horrifying tale. In this outing, St. Cyr, (Viscount Devlin) has made a trip to a small, sleepy village to meet his…
Review: Remnants: Season of Glory by Lisa T. Bergren
Remnants: Season of Glory by Lisa Tawn Bergren Genre: YA, Christian, Dystopian Publisher: Blink Date: March 8, 2016 Andriana and the other Remnants are in the fiercest battle they’ve ever imagined and they understand that more than just their own lives hang in the balance. Pacifica is growing more and more unrestful and things are coming to a boiling point. It’s a frightening time. The Remnants know that the Maker will help them fulfill their purpose, but what sort of danger will come along the way? In battles, no one is guaranteed to get out alive. One of the biggest questions that is plaguing the group is whether Keallach can…