Books,  Reviews

Review: Three Wishes by Lisa T. Bergren

51bfI1CVGCL._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_ Three Wishes by Lisa T. Bergren
Genre: Historical/Romance
Publisher: Bergren Creative Group
Date: April 8, 2016

Zara Ruiz has no idea what’s going to happen in her life. Admittedly, most teenagers aren’t sure, but Zara’s situation is a little different. She’s still in high school and her only guardian, her grandmother, has just passed away. Zara now has a restaurant in her name that she can keep or sell and a whole litany of other things to think about.


When she goes to the beach one afternoon and sees an unusual gathering of starfish in a tide pool, she is intrigued, but there isn’t a lot more than that. Until she sees the very old, very crusty and tarnished lamp in the bottom of the pool. She doesn’t think about it too long before she wades out and snags the lamp. From there, it gets just a little surreal.

Soon, the beach that she knows, loves, and recognizes takes a dramatic shift to something she only vaguely recognizes. And within moments, Zara realizes there’s something very, very wrong. A handsome young man on horseback barrels past her, pursued by other men that don’t appear to be in a playful goofing mood.

Zara quickly recognizes that things aren’t in the right place, or better yet, she isn’t in the right…time. A fast story about falling from a ship and having a head injury that doesn’t allow her to remember will buy her some time. But who is this handsome young man? Does he mean her harm? And why does his mother keep looking at Zara with that strange gaze? Is there more to this story?

Lisa T. Bergren burst into the time travel genre (It is one, isn’t it? A whole genre? If not, I’m claiming it as such!) a few years ago with one of my very favorite books, Waterfall. Since then, I have eagerly devoured every time travel adventure she has put forth and I have never been disappointed. Zara’s tale in Three Wishes is no different. Though some things aren’t surprising as you progress through the story, it doesn’t take away from the delight of visiting another time and place with Lisa as the tour guide.


The hero is dashing, wealthy, flirtatious and troubled. Zara is similar to the She Wolves in Lisa’s other tale with her bravado leading her into trouble just as quickly as it sometimes rescues her. As much as she knows that she needs to go home, she feels a draw to this time and place.

The only thing I had an issue with was the ending. Lisa, you know I love you to pieces, but you ended it THERE??? I’m ready for the next one please!


Rating: PG-13 – there are some situations in the book that might be advanced for younger readers, but this is a perfect teen, young adult and grown up read!


Review copy provided by the publisher.