Questions Answered: How you can help?
I have been blessed with texts, emails, notes and messages of support. And also with people asking how they can help. My beautiful friend, Organized SAHM, has set up an online form that people can fill out if they are interested in helping with meals or babysitting, errands, etc. It just asks for name, phone number and email and we promise it won’t go anywhere but here. We both thought this would be an easy way to catalog the offers. (Hey – we have the technology – we may as well use it.) That form is here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1_Z-eTUdamFdKDcTtuPLX1xEJu8dUgwrGZz9OeCfOLPQ/viewform?c=0&w=1&usp=mail_form_link My kids are going to stay with some family in Houston for the…
Surgical Updates: a.k.a. I actually have something to share!
You know I never intended to blog this entire journey, but the further I get into things, the more I’m realizing that this is one central location where I’ll be able to answer questions and really put lots of info out there with relative ease. Bear with me while I navigate this completely new way to keep everyone updated. I know, I know. Go figure the professional writer/publicist is learning how to make my way through the personal blogosphere. But seriously, my job is to push all you famous, talented, and pretty people out in the spotlight. Being IN the spotlight is totally new for me! So this morning I…
Cancer, Fuzzy Stuffed Dogs, and Slumber Parties
I have cancer. I’m sorry to start with that, but I felt like I needed to say that out loud so to speak. I’ve had some revelations about my health this week. Some ideas are rattling around my mind about where it came from. (That’s been the major question that most everyone has asked.) One of my doctors and I both believe that we know, but I’m not making that announcement quite yet. Not until I have a handle on it myself. I know that may sound selfish but in the times I’ve shared it, I’ve dealt with some negative backlash from a few. Honestly, that surprised me even more…
God’s doing a new thing and He doesn’t want you to miss it!
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. – Isaiah 43:19 I’m not a theologian by any stretch of the imagination. I love God’s word. As a writer and a book reviewer, it’s not surprising that I love words. The Bible is rife with gorgeous stories and word pictures. If you haven’t read it, even if you aren’t a Christian, you should give it a try. The Psalms, the prophets, the history…it’s amazing. But sharing this love of God’s word with my kids hasn’t always been as easy as…
Guest Post: Water the Flowers, Not the Weeds. -by L.E.Taylor
Anyone who has known me for any length of time has probably heard me talk about seeds. I fully believe that with both work and our personal lives, everything we do is a seed. Everything we attempt, pitch or put together is a seed. It’s up to God to make it grow into the right thing and at the right time. Some seeds may be fruit that will sustain us. Others might grow into a beautiful flower that blesses us for a season. I always pray that God helps keep me focused on the right things so I don’t spend too much time tending weeds. So when one of my…
Review: Mom’s Ultimate Guide to the Tween Girl World by Nancy Rue
Mom’s Ultimate Guide to the Tween Girl World by Nancy Rue Reviewed by: Lori Twichell Genre: Non-Fiction Publisher: Zondervan Publication Date: July 2010 Do you have a teenage girl? Or a tween girl? If you do, then you probably understand the frustration of entering this completely new phase of life with your daughter. I mean for me, I just felt like I could finally figure out what might come next and then hormones hit. (And honestly I believed for YEARS that the rapture was going to happen before I became the parent of a teenager. That pretty much defined my entire ‘parenting teens’ philosophy.) So I was pretty happy to…